My Stuff

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Moses Lake, Washington, United States
I was born in Croix Chapeau France in 1963. My dad was there serving in the Military. I was able to go visit the town in which I was born a few years back... it was a delightful journey. Happily married... three wonderful and energetic boys: Jonathan, Joshua, Noah. I find them more interesting and fun, the older they get. I really don't understand parents who don't want to be around their children. I have a BA in Theology/Preaching from Puget Sound Christian College (which no longer exists, but from which I got some good stuff {thanks Dr. Ford - RIP})and an MA in Apologetics from Biola University.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Movie Flash!!

I've seen a couple movies lately - thought I'd give a quick... I mean quick... rundown.

Get Smart: Particularly for those of us who grew up during the era of Maxwell Smart it's a must see. It's hilariously funny at some points - I nearly wet my pants laughing at two points in the movie. The second time I saw it there was a lady in front of us who was absolutely howling it was so funny. I mentioned this to my brother-in-law with whom I'd seen the movie the first time and said, "that's just what you sounded like the first time you saw it!" I saw it twice in the theatre... I never do that. It's worth the price of admission. There is relatively little inappropriate stuff - good movie.

Wanted: If you can get past a couple of early, and graphic, sex scenes the rest of it is just as bad! Truly, I went to see it because it looked like a lot of fun and action. There were some great action spots to be sure. Morgan Freeman is an amazing actor, one of my favorites, I expect to see him in better movies. In the end Angelina Jolie is true to the code... it's just a bit of weird code to be true to! If you have to see it wait for the DVD in my opinion.


MoLak Jedi said...

We'll probably wait on Get Smart. For me, it doesn't scream "Big screen!" Angelina Jolie movies are, for the most part, off limits for me! We saw Indiana Jones while we were in Bremerton and it was what you'd hope to see from Dr. Jones at that age.

Anonymous said...

As a christian myself, I do not watch graphic (or any) sex scenes. I have been known to get up and walk out of movies or abruptly change the channel on t.v. I was surprised that a pastor of a christian church would tolerate or even continue watching something that would be so inappropriate as a form of entertainment. Yes it's only a movie but those are real people with real bodies on the screen engaging in things that should be sacred and private between two married people. Something to think about. What would Jesus do? I have a hard time believing that He would continue watching. It's all about choices in honoring our Savior as to what we deliberately set before our eyes.

John J. Roberts said...

I think the reminder about being careful regarding what we put before our eyes is a very good one... Thanks for the reminder.
I was frankly caught off guard as I expected this to be an action movie.

You're surprised that I go to movies? You said, "that form of entertainment." Or did you mean a movie with a sex scene. Could I ask if you go to movies at all? I say that because some Christians make a commitment not to go movies, and I respect that decision. The reason I wonder is because to say you don't watch "any sex scenes" would nearly mean that you don't watch any movies TV. Unless it's older movies. There are just very few movies out there without any.

As to what Jesus would do? That may not be as simple as perhaps you're making it. It's my sense that Jesus put himself in all sorts of situations that made the religious very uncomfortable - yet he was without sin. In no way do I say that as a license for illicit behavior, because he certainly didnt' engage in it. I guess I wonder at what level Jesus would engage the culture. I think Jesus would make us very uncomfortable to be honest. Do you think he'd be comfortable in most Christian Churches today? I wonder. As to whether or not he would see "Wanted"... I guess he wouldn't have. Though he saw it with me I guess... I was glad he was there.

Anonymous said...

No, I wasn't surprised that you go to movies, just a movie with inappropriate content for a pastor or anyone professing Christ for that matter as "a" form of entertainment not "that" form of entertainment (as you stated). There are many forms of leisurly entertainment. It is our choice as to what we allow ourselves to be entertained by. I understand that you were caught off guard but if the movie starts out bad, why wait and see if it gets better?...why not just leave it? Is it worth it? And why give a review telling others to wait for the DVD when it was a bad movie in the first place...not something christians ought to be entertained by (or anyone)? Why not take the time to find out about a movie before viewing it? There are plenty of 'screening for content' type web sites on the internet and movies usually have a rating. I was just surprised that a christian pastor would stay and watch and give the review that you did as a leader in the church.
Yes, I do watch movies and T.V. As I stated before, I have been known to walk out of movies or abruptly change the channel on the T.V. And no, I don't watch too many movies or T.V., there are too many other things to do but you would be surprised by what there is to watch other than sewing and cooking shows and movies made for children (although some of those are pretty hilarious).
Yes, Jesus put Himself in situations that made the religious uncomfortable but, as you said, He did not engage in them. I believe that is the difference. I think Jesus would engage in our culture the same as He engaged in the culture He was born in. The Holy Bible gives us accounts and examples of how He lived and how we should live. Do I think that Jesus would be comfortable in most christian churches today? I'm not sure what you mean by comfortable. Do you mean if He would be happy with how most christian churches are conducted today or how a lot of christians live their lives?
As to the last comment about Jesus being with you as you (two?) were watching this bad movie...I don't know what to say...

Anonymous said...

You may just be busy but since I hadn't seen a reply I thought that I might have offended you, which was not my intention. Sometimes we can get caught up in this world of pleasure and unintentionally disgrace our God and ourselves. I too, fall into that category. I feel we all do at times as humans (hence the need for a savior) but I felt that the watching and recommendation to a movie with graphic sex scenes was inappropriate for a man of God to partake in and not what you would want to portray to others (christian or not). Simply put, the wrong message sent out as a leader in the church. We all need to be good ambassadors for Christ. Although my point to the topic remains, I apologize to you if I came across as uncaring or rude. May God bless you.

John J. Roberts said...

Sorry you didn't see my comment anonymous... I actually replied the next day or two from yours. I wasn't offended actually and I didn't feel caught, or that I disgraced God.

I actually blogged about the movie because I was hoping to save someone the wasted money and exposure to negative stuff.

John J. Roberts said...

What I mean by "he saw it with me" shouldn't be something confusing to comment on... or perhaps you didn't know what to say because nothing need be said. It's my sense that he's with me wherever I go - in fact he promised it.

Yeah, I've walked out of movies before... not sure in this case. I do appreciate your point in any case. Something I'm thinking about all the time, and evaluating.

With regard to Jesus in the church today, being comfortable. I think I'm referring to the fact that he might be viewed as a bit loose in some ways. I know he wouldn't "be loose" but I think he would be viewed as such, because he was in the times he lived. The fact that he hung out with publicans, tax gatherers, drunks, sinners, and prostitutes caused him a bit of grief because I think it gave the appearance that he was a little too involved in the world. He was perceived as being engaged with the activities of those with whom he spent his time.

By the way, I'm not trying to make the case here that I should run around watching sexually inappropriate movies to "connect"
with the culture. I think it's always a balancing act for the christian (pastor or otherwise) to know how to engage the culture. I think there is a tendency to create an entire christian culture that separates us totally from the world around us. I think it's happened. Somehow we've seen this as a holy decision. The tension of being "in the world" but not "of the world" is one that I find a positive challenge. I think it's the tension of grace that we live in that keeps us walking in faith. It's a good journey.