My Stuff

My photo
Moses Lake, Washington, United States
I was born in Croix Chapeau France in 1963. My dad was there serving in the Military. I was able to go visit the town in which I was born a few years back... it was a delightful journey. Happily married... three wonderful and energetic boys: Jonathan, Joshua, Noah. I find them more interesting and fun, the older they get. I really don't understand parents who don't want to be around their children. I have a BA in Theology/Preaching from Puget Sound Christian College (which no longer exists, but from which I got some good stuff {thanks Dr. Ford - RIP})and an MA in Apologetics from Biola University.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lift Your Eyes!

I was reminded over the past couple of days, reading Hebrews Ch.3, that if I insist on focusing on the obstacles before me I will likely come to despair; however, if I lift my eyes to God who has met me a million times before I can have victory!

The writer of Hebrews ushers us back to Numbers 13-14 and the story of the 12 spies of the Israelites who went in to scout out the land.  Ten spies can back saying, "The people are giants, we're like grasshoppers before them, the cities are fortified, and there is no hope of victory!" But Joshua and Caleb said, "We should by all means go and take the land."  The only difference between the ten and two was their focus. The focus of the ten was the obstacle before them.  The focus of the two was their God whom they'd seen meet them time after time who would stand with them to overcome.

Where is my vision today... where is yours...

"But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called 'Today,' so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." (Hebrews 3:13)

Lord, remind me today to encourage those around me to keep pressing forward, leaning into YOU; allow me also to take encouragement from others.
Remind me today of one thing I've seen you do, specifically in my life, to meet me so that I may not grow faint and lose heart when I face the obstacles of the day.

Do not allow me to be drawn into sin, my own or that of others, believing that the sinful ways into which I'm drawn are actually the free and abundant life, thus turning my life and the gospel on its head.

Help me today to lift my eyes to You who has met me a million times by your grace and mercy, even when I haven't noticed it, and find encouragement, rather than to fix my eyes on the obstacles before me and fall into despair.

Thank you for calling me into victory and abundance in your Son.

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