I am struck by the idea of the prodigal father. The story from Luke 15 gets titled the prodigal son because the son is a spendthrift... he is wasteful and spends the money extravagantly - and quickly it seems.
The definition of prodigal is: : “ wastefully or recklessly extravagant.” “A person who spends, or has spent his or her money with wasteful extravagance.” Isn't that a description of how God has spent his wealth on us? And the father in the story... he takes this wayward son in without even hearing his excuses and beyond that he gives him a new robe, ring on his finger, sandals, and throws a big party which starts by butchering the best animal. The elder son says, "You didn't even give me a goat" so I think we can assume that to kill a fatted calf would be of more value. The father is spending wastefully on the son! He has spent extravagantly and wastefully on us. Not wastefully on us in the sense that he didn't know what he was doing... but with reckless abandon!
Another thing that epitomizes God's pursuit of us is that He doesn't wait for us to come crawling back... he approaches us and gives to us lavishly. I am reminded of Thomas in the upper room. Remember the story. Thomas gets called (for all of history it seems) "doubting Thomas" because he said, "If I can't put my fingers in the nail holes or my hand in his side I won't believe. I think I might have been more like Thomas than the others. In any case, when Jesus shows back up he immediately says, "Thomas come here and put your fingers in the holes and your hand in my side! Stop doubting and believe. I think that more than anything else Jesus WANTS Thomas to believe... I don't think he came scolding.... I think he comes hoping that Thomas will draw near. I love this story. Jesus doesn't wait for Thomas to sweat... the Jewish Father doesn't wait for the son to get back before running... the shepherd doesn't wait for the lost sheep to wander home... the woman doesn't wait for the lost coin to turn up... God doesn't sulkily wait for me to see the error of my ways... he's pursuing me with lavish and extravagant love!
Check out the later part of verse 12 in Luke 15. "So he divided his property between them."
Did the father divide his entire estate at that time, giving not only the younger son his share, but also the elder son? If so, that is prodigal!
Hey Chris, I don't think that the older son received all that was coming to him at this point primarily because the bulk of his inheritance would have been the estate. Land, animals, etc.
As the elder son he would get the farm and animals. The income producing part of the family business I think. The younger son would probably be expected to take his inheritance and go make something with.
At least that's my read on it. It could well be that by this time the elder son is managing the holdings at some level... however, note that the father had full authority still with the robe, ring, and calf!
Another reason I don't think the elder son received his part of the inheritance is his response to the father upon the younger son's return. The elder son makes it sound like the father has never given him anything.
The thing that got me wondering was the father dividing "his property between THEM." Who are "them?" Maybe the father earmarked the eldest son's portion? Maybe the younger son had his crew with him? Maybe it's a bad translation?
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