My Stuff

My photo
Moses Lake, Washington, United States
I was born in Croix Chapeau France in 1963. My dad was there serving in the Military. I was able to go visit the town in which I was born a few years back... it was a delightful journey. Happily married... three wonderful and energetic boys: Jonathan, Joshua, Noah. I find them more interesting and fun, the older they get. I really don't understand parents who don't want to be around their children. I have a BA in Theology/Preaching from Puget Sound Christian College (which no longer exists, but from which I got some good stuff {thanks Dr. Ford - RIP})and an MA in Apologetics from Biola University.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's Been Awhile.. I guess

It's time to get back at this blog... it's been awhile since I've written, sort of lost my way... in a way. It's not that I haven't been having the coffee... it's just that I haven't gotten round to writing anything here. Life has been real hectic, not just busy, but lots of moving around - going from here to there. It's been a great summer so far - visiting family, renewing old friendships, vacationing with Sharlyn and the boys, busy in the yard and at work. It's been a great summer, but it's keeping me running.
In keeping with that I'd like to spend some time over the next weeks thinking out loud about a great book that I've read in the past couple months, Prayer for Beginners by Peter Kreeft. He says in the introduction, "it could be called prayer for dummies - people who aren't good at praying." He goes on to say, "it could also be called 'prayer for Martha's,' not for Mary's, prayer for people with little time to pray, for busy people who keep finding excuses not to pray - in other words, for people like me." I really enjoy Kreeft's writing, and this book doesn't disappoint, there is a lot of good stuff in it, I'll try to hit the high spots over the next few weeks... don't let that stop you from picking it up, it's only about $10. If ever there was a "Martha" I'm one and this book delivers what it promises. It helps us learn how to practice God's presence which doesn't negate the need for setting aside time to be "Mary." I find that I need the challenge and the encouragement that Kreeft delivers here. Hope it's helpful... I hope I can keep it up on a regular schedule.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I can us all the help I can get! Thanks for getting back to the blog.